Thursday, December 20, 2012

Book Review: The Liar, the Bitch, and the Wardrobe by Allie Kingsley

Title: The Liar, the Bitch and the Wardrobe
Author: Allie Kingsley
Publisher: Berkley books
Published on: September 24, 2012

If you’re going to step on people on your way to the top, you might as well do it in stilettos . . .  . . . Or so she’s been told. Lucy Butler, former wallflower, lands her dream job working for her idol, world-famous fashion photographer Stefano Lepres. But in a world where getting doused in coffee for not getting the order right is the new normal, she isn’t getting any closer to her ideal of being behind the camera herself. Then a superstar actress generously takes Lucy under her wing and teaches her the ways of the rich and famous—treating her to racks of designer clothes and introducing her to a life of private planes and penthouse suites. Soon Lucy is dating a rock star, attending the hottest Hollywood parties, and dressing the part. Lost in the luxury, she loses sight of the things that once mattered most. It’s going to take a hard blow from the high life to send Lucy back to the real life she always wanted. From an industry insider—and featuring wardrobes personally selected by celebrity stylist Robert Verdi—this is a novel that will keep you guessing and introduce you to a world you know exists; you’ve just never seen it unretouched

My Thoughts:

The rawness of the image of hollywood depicted in the book is so very honest and believable. The story is a typical geek girl turned fabulous when she stepped into hollywood. Reminds me of the Devil wearsprada actually. What's nice in these kinds of stories are the turn around life they held and as a result of the experience, they wind up not really going back to their old selves but an improved version of theirselves. One who hasbeen through battle and was never the same. 

I was happy Lucy got her friends back. What she's been through clearly was not a joke. It was nice that the author decided to make Lucy feel that what she was becoming was not her. I also appreciated the references to God and respecting Him and so. Thou I felt the climax fell short. The realization part was cut very short. Though her falling out was slowly building, but the end was very fast. Still the story was nice.

If you ask me, the directness of the story is a big appeal. A sort of coming of age story, though the protago ist is already 22. It's about getting lost and finding your way back in. Plus the title is so snarky and sweet! Lol :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not very tempted to read this book. While I think that the title is funny, I'm not sure if this concept will work out for me. I'm happy that you enjoyed this book though! :)

